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Meet Ed Hattaway

Third refund request letter to Scientology

Presented by Stacy Brooks
March 3, 2001

Ed & Tera Hattaway

Post Office Box 1171
Douglasville, Georgia 30133
Phone 770-774-0364

Feb. 22, 2001

Church of Scientology
Flag Service Organization
P.O. Box 31751
Tampa, Florida   33631-3751

        TREAS. SEC.

Dear Sirs:

Here I am again, assholes. 

To the pubescent punk that is reading this rant, you should look at the old
books and compare them to the new books.  I have a collection of the "by L. Ron
Hubbard" books.  They are thin.  I also have the "L. Ron Hubbard Library"
versions.  They are thick.  Not only that, they are altered in actual text and

You know, even if Ron could have created workable tech, the bastards in upper
management would have re-written it!  No wonder the L's don't do what they
claim. No wonder there are no OT's. No wonder there are not any Clears out
there paving the way for new recruits. Hell, Tommy pretty boy Cruise can't even
stay married to Nicole. He's OT what? Great stat, Tommy boy. But then
$cientology is full of great stats.

Another great stat is there is always an answer for everything. Too bad the
answers are wrong. I guess a person who really used his analytical mind would
see the held down 7's. It is too bad those hard working staff can't see through
the held down 7's.  But the fact is, the tech has been altered since LRH died.
I know you would like everyone to think he "ascended".  HE DIED. HE'S DEAD.
poor dupes are falling for it. If LRH were to return today, no one would let him
in the org! He would be sec checked into oblivion and become so deranged that
he would end up like Lisa McPherson.

Now, that is almost what you did to me. I am certain there are many others who
have had this same experience. OT3's, OT 5's, OT7's, L's completions. I am
going to make it my personal business to find as many of these people as I can
and do whatever I need to do to rally them to stand up against the abuse we all
had from Flag.

What a complete and utter fraud.  If it weren't so obvious to the outsider this
scam called the Church of $cientology would make a great movie.  The con is so

I kept quiet for many years because I was afraid of losing my spiritual freedom
- what a dichotomy - Fear/Freedom.  What a diabolical trap. No one at Flag has
ever had spiritual freedom. You can't even define it. You say it like a bunch
of dilettantes. It is just another glib phrase that rolls between your lips and
makes you feel special while you slave away 16 to 18 hours a day trying to get
your stat up by 2:00 PM on Thursday. That is not spiritual freedom. Most of you
are too scared to enjoy life, too scared to think about what is wrong, too
scared to confront your life. There is no one in $cientology who can confront
$cientology. You have to get out of $cientology to confront it. That is why
there are so many ex-members and non-members who stand up to this organization
that loves to call itself a church. They do confront it every day. The stats in
$cientology have gone down year after year. Your PR may be a little better in a
few places, but the truth is that the stats are down because of poor service.

What you do is practice Psychology without a license and medicine without a
license. You think because you read somewhere in some obtuse writing by L. Ron
Hitler that the mind can heal itself no matter what is done to it that you can
do anything you want to people and they will be all right. I can tell you for a
fact that just is not so. Lisa McPherson would tell you the same thing. In
fact, she probably did tell you that over and over again. It would not take a
rocket scientist to figure that one out. She wanted to leave and you kept her
from leaving. That is really a church-like act.

I was so dumbfounded by your rhetoric that I paid you over $68,696.93 to fuck
my mind over and then I came back for more. I am not dumbfounded anymore. I
have woken up. I am mad as hell. What you did to others and me is
unconscionable.  Did you know there are no LRH trained Class XII's in the SO
anymore? Know why? The tech sucks. It has been squirreled. It will continue to
be squirreled. $cientology has now become a fighting machine. It fights those
who wish to have morality and integrity. It fights its own members to get more
money out of them. It fights its own staff who work so diligently, and it
humiliates these same staff if the stats aren't as high as someone thinks they
should be.

I could get my entire Bridge - If I even wanted it - for pennies on the dollar
from class XII's in the field who were personally trained by LRH. 

Not that you give a shit or even know that you should give a shit, but the
Golden Age of Tech has created robots who just ask the same question over and
over again. There is no thought on the part of the auditor about what is really
happening with the PC. There is no understanding on the part of the auditor
about what is really happening with the PC. What the Golden Age of Tech
auditors do is so against the original LRH HCOB's that he would RPF every staff
member just for being involved this perversion and not stopping it. He would be
screaming for weeks if he knew what has happened since his death. David
Miscavige and his top techies would be banned from $cientology forever for
their crimes against him, his writings and the human race.

I want my old life back, you pricks. I want the $68,696.93 you coerced and
intimidated from me and my wife.  I have other things to do with my life, but
right now it is on my checksheet to recover my hard earned money you scammed
out of me. As long as that item remains open on my checksheet, I will also be
doing whatever I can to see that as many others as possible will get to know
the horrors of $camitology.

So just send me my money so I can go to my next item on my checksheet.

Ed Hattaway

Tera Hattaway

Also read:

Ed Hattaway's declaration

Refund request letter #1

Refund request letter #2

Click here to watch the Ed and Tera Hattaway video

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