Mr. Bernie McCabe
January 22, 1999
The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization is unique in the religion of Scientology. Its congregation is composed not only of members from the Clearwater area, but from all parts of the globe. indeed, its congregation is probably the largest of any church in the United States, Scientology or otherwise. That is because it is the Mecca of our religion and Scientologists from every one of our churches ultimately come to the Flag Organization. The prejudicial burden of having our Mecca labeled “criminal” is obvious. And for what? Let’s put aside for the moment any argument as to the cause of death. Certainly the parishioners of the Church had nothing to do with it. Or is the state alleging that the practice of the religion itself is at fault? Similarly, well over a thousand church staff of the Flag Organization were not involved. Ironically, those who did deal with have not been charged. Most have been immunized, including two out of three members of the Board of Directors, one of whom is the chairman.
I can understand the need in some criminal proceedings to leave a person with a “guilty” record, the purpose being to taint the person with a stain he can never remove. That is precisely why the Church cannot accept a plea as a form of justice. A church is not like another corporation. If criminal charges are leveled against a business corporation, it necessarily concerns conduct in the line of business an attempt to increase profit through improper means. When charges are leveled against a corporation, that does not affect its shareholders like a charge against a church affects its adherents. No parishioner should ever have to have this discussion: Q: “What church do you attend?”, A: “Scientology.” Q: “The church with a criminal record the only one ever in the United States?” And yet these are precisely the conversations that are bound to occur.
That is why I invited you to come over to take a look around. I guarantee a picture different from what you currently perceive. The Church is a dynamic and thriving community. Its members are drug-free and dedicated to helping their fellow man. They not only aren’t freaks, they are contributing members of society and many are extremely prominent in their respective fields.
Law enforcement often resolves corporate charges short of a guilty plea in order not to cripple a corporation’s capacity to conduct business. I referred you to the Met Life case where the company paid a fine in lieu of further criminal proceedings because a guilty plea would have prevented it from conducting business. In that case, unlike this case, billions were at issue, the conduct was intentional and the corporation did benefit. But, it did not have to live with “guilty” tattooed on its head. In that case, also unlike this case, the corporation law enforcement made an accommodation for was a for-profit business. My concern is far different; it is to prevent the branding of the entire Church, all its members and the religion as a whole. Such a result does not reflect the
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