Mr. Bernie McCabe
January 22, 1999
However, if the concern is for the Church to take responsibility for this matter in a significant way, then I have made a proposal that addresses those concerns.
The Church could simply pay a $15,000.00 fine and be done with the whole matter. I believe any non-church corporation would do just that. But because you are dealing with a church, there are consequences which prohibit that course of action.
If the Church wished to ignore this matter and prolong its resolution, it would choose to litigate. It is my belief that if we fail to achieve a settlement, the case will be dismissed on constitutional grounds. But for sake of argument, assume it is not. We would then be looking at years of litigation. If the intention were to not take responsibility, this would be the obvious course of action. In my opinion that is not the approach either of us should take.
On the other hand, assume we proceed with motions and the charges are dismissed. Even that would not be a wholly positive resolution of this matter. A victory for the Church and a loss for the State says: the Church and the community are still at war. While some might prefer that outcome, I do not. I strongly prefer moving forward in a cooperative effort.
I do not understand why my proposal was unacceptable. I especially do not understand why no counter-proposal was offered. What I have proposed is a final and permanent resolution, thus allowing my Church to move on with its religious objectives and your office to deal with its law enforcement responsibility in a community where, unfortunately, crime is so prevalent. It seems there is a new violent crime committed every day, usually by those on drugs, a problem in its own right. Dealing with that sort of crime is a responsibility of yours that I don’t envy. I would rather help you by dedicating my Church to getting people off drugs and thus lessening the crime that so often results.
Why let this case distract you from those efforts when a full, meaningful and fair resolution of it can readily be achieved?
I am currently in Clearwater and am available to meet and resolve this matter
David Miscavige